Saturday, December 19, 2009

Did Y'all Miss Me?

Early Christmas gift=me back in the blogging world!! I now have a laptop who's USB ports work, so now I can post pictures.

Lets do a little catch up, shall we? Sad I have not been able to post any pictures of our house since we moved in this past June. To honest, you aren't missing much.

Owning a house comes with a learning curve for sure. We got a great deal on this little house built in 1978, which sat vacant for two years before we purchased it. It was flipped, but in a half assed way, so don't look too close.
All in all, we are just so thankful to have a little place to call our own.

For me, having a place of my own has made it more fun to decorate for the holidays. Last year while living at the motel apartment, I was a scrooge and didn't decorate at all.

Last year I kept my Christmas cards up all year

Sometimes I feel like I have a set of twins on my hands because this little one has a few different personalities and can flip them at the drop of a hat!
Tonight she was Miss. Model telling me to take her picture

She realized after I took this that she had left her toothbrush in,
so she told me to take another one

Yes, that is a Halloween shirt she is wearing for P.J. 's.
I am doing a bunch of laundry tonight

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